
What is the purpose of Shared Services Center (SSC)?

UMBC has experienced tremendous growth over its history. In an effort to effectively manage the changes in the magnitude and complexity of administrative functions as a result of institutional growth, shared service centers were established. The purpose of shared service centers is to create an administrative infrastructure that leverages economies of scale to provide high quality support to faculty, staff and students that streamlines business processes and reduces redundancies.

Shared Service Centers deliver a strong platform of financial and administrative management support which is critical to the achievement of UMBC’s mission and ensuring our current and future success as a community. Through business process consolidation and automation, SSC’s provide:

  • The infrastructure required to support the future growth of UMBC.
  • Relief to chairs, department heads, faculty, and other staff from business oriented tasks freeing them up to concentrate on programmatic support and research.
  • Strengthening of all aspects of compliance with external and internal policies and procedures.
  • Improved audit results.

What are the benefits of Shared Services Center SSCs?

  • Improved transactional flow and accuracy.
  • Reduced duplication of effort and fewer errors.
  • Higher level of specialization allowing for more proactive issue resolution.
  • Broader knowledge of administrative and financial policies, processes and procedures, providing stronger support and backup for all campus departments.
  • Greater ability to use technology to improve communications and to report to senior leadership, chairs, directors, faculty and staff.
  • Standardization leading to automation – so that any employee can do a process within a certain timeframe regardless of where they are.
  • Improved opportunities for our people– improves “person to job fit” and provides opportunities for future growth.